recipe // smoky minestrone with tortellini and pesto

recipe // smoky minestrone with tortellini and pesto

This minestrone recipe is a great standby I found on Food52. It’s hearty and packed full of vegetables, with some bacon thrown in to give it the smoky quality in its name. Be prepared for a lot of chopping, but from start to finish this only takes me a little over an hour to make, including the 30-40 minute simmering time. As the recipe suggests, this is great served with fresh basil pesto on top, a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and some Parmesan cheese, with some good bread on the side. Continue reading

recipe // garlic cheesy bread with roasted garlic and herb butter

This garlic cheesy bread is the number one most popular pin of all time on Pinterest, according to Repinly. It’s had close to 100,000 repins, which is pretty crazy to think about, and was originally pinned by Mandy Wakeman. I had a feeling this would be good, seeing as it’s a combo of bread, cheese, butter and garlic – seriously, what’s not to like? I was a little worried about how the bread would turn out though, seeing as I don’t have a stand mixer and kind of winged it with my food processor based on prior knowledge of making pizza dough.

To start with, I substituted all-purpose flour for bread flour. I did a little research about the difference between the two, and learned that bread flour has slightly more gluten and therefore generally creates a more chewy and/or lofty bread than all-purpose flour. In most cases, all-purpose flour can be substituted for bread flour, but you don’t want to go the other way around and sub in bread flour for all-purpose flour. Seeing as I don’t make a ton of bread regularly, I opted to use the all-purpose flour I had rather than buy a bag of bread flour. My bread definitely didn’t end up as large as the photos from the original pin, which I think probably had something to do with this substitution, but the texture seemed fine. Continue reading